Three Tasks Needed to Restore Your Home after a Fire


Dealing with a house fire can be very stressful and there are a lot of tasks to do when rebuilding. If there are things that can be cleaned and saved, the smoke damage will be cleaned during the restoration process. There may also be areas that need to be gutted and rebuilt, as well as water damage that needs to be cleaned up. If you are rebuilding your home after a fire, here are some of the tasks that will need to be done to put your home back together:

10 July 2015

Three Water Damage Problems That Often Go Unnoticed And Unaddressed


If you have a problem with water damage in your home, it is not always noticeable. You do not have to have a big flood for something like flooring, drywall or cabinets in your home to be damaged. If these problems go unaddressed, it can possibly lead to things like mold and mildew, which can be costly to have cleaned up. If you notice water in your home, here are some of the things that can be damaged and the repairs you may want to have done:

14 April 2015